Tag: Magic Gardens

  • Watkins Street Studio: Philadelphia’s Magic Gardens

    Watkins Street Studio: Philadelphia’s Magic Gardens

    Iconic Philly artist Isaiah Zagar (born March 1939)  is the creator of Philadelphia’s Magic Gardens as well as thousands of outdoor and indoor mosaic murals, paintings and sculptures. In 2024, he transferred ownership and use of his Watkins Street Studio to the PMG organization. Magic Gardens is reaching out to the Philly community to get…

  • Magic Gardens

    Magic Gardens

    For a joyous way to celebrate a sunny day, I recommend a visit to Philadelphia Magic Gardens. The gallery is located at 1020 South Street. The “gardens” are an urban wonderland of everyday recycled stuff like bottles, plates or bicycle wheels. Found Objects These objects are embedded into organic floor-to-sky walls of mosaics. Imagine walking into a courtyard where every square inch is vibrating with color…